Activity Waiver Form
I, _____________________________(Participant) herby acknowledge that in consideration to participate in activities, services, products and goods offered by Simon Ramford (Activity Provider) owner of 1UPGAMEZ (Activity) agree to the following:
Details of Activity: The Participant(s)will be participating and experiencing the following: flashing lights, sounds, inflatable bouncers, archery, water sports and air/gel trajectories.
Consideration: Being of lawful age and consideration of being allowed to participate in Activity, the Participant releases and forever discharges the Activity Provider, the Activity Provider’s spouse, heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives and assigns from all manner of action, causes of actions, debts, bonds, contracts, claims and demands for or by reason of an injury to person or property including injury resulting in death of the Participant(s) which has been or may have been sustained as a consequence of the Participant(s) participation of the Activity, and not withstanding that such damage, loss or injury may have been caused solely or partly by the negligence of the Activity Provider,
The Participant (s) understands and acknowledges that Participant(s) can not participate in Activity unless the Participant(s) signs this waiver
Concurrent Release: The Participant(s) acknowledge that this Waiver is given with expression and intent to the effect of extinguishing of certain obligations owed to the Participant(s) by the Activity Provider and with the intention of binding the Activity Providers spouse, heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives and assigns.
Fitness to Participate: The Participant(s) acknowledges to the Activity Provider that Participant(s) does not have any physical limitations, medical ailments mental or physical disabilities that will limit or prevent the Participant(s) from participating in the Activity. If required the Participant(s) may provide proof of medical examination for clearance.
Full and Final Settlement: The Participant(s) agrees and acknowledges to the Activity Provider that:
A. The participant has been given adequate time to read this waiver
B. The Participant(s) have had the ability time to seek legal and independent advice before signing this waiver
C. The Participant(s) understand the risks and declares the Participant(s) waives to participate in Activity
D. The Participant(s) without influence or coercion is freely consenting and execution Ing of this waiver
E. The Participant(s) are forever prevented from suing or otherwise claiming against the Activity Provider for any loss of property, personal injury, that the Participant(s) sustained prior to, during, and following the Activity.
Media: The Participant(s) authorizes, understands and agrees of possible use of audio, video recording of Activity for the use of but not limited to documentation, exhibition, website and advertising as deemed by Activity Provider. Furthermore, the Participant(s) waive the right to royalties, compensation and rights for the in the use of media.
Governing Law: This waiver will be governed and construed in accordance with laws of the State of Texas.
Emergency Contact: Name: ____________ Phone: _____________
Participant(s) Printed Name: __________________________ Participant(s) Signature: ________________________________________ Date: __________________